Remote Training
Training over the phone or PC/PC is $150.00 USD an hour. Max hour of training is 4hrs.Phone or PC / PC Training is only for basic cad/cam software that is sold and supported by CNC Shop and Service LLC. The Phone or PC / PC training is for the Controller software operation and setup. Please note CNC Shop and Service training staff CAN NOT see your cutting table or the area around the Plasma Cutting Table. It is the responsibility of the trainee to clear the area and hold ALL Safety measures. CNC Shop and Service LLC is NOT responsible for any damage or injury or death.
Training on the following software is available:
All Dynatorch CNC Control software:
XLS, XL2, XLE, XLR8, Super B(+) 3.6 software.
Cad Software: Prodge Cad, Enroute 6, Sheet Cam
NOTE: Pronest, SolidWorks are trained by the developers.
We do not train via text or email.
Training at CNC Shop and Service
$2,995.00 USD, 8 hours maximum.
This includes up to 4 people.